Run run run

I know the feeling a hamster gets while running on its wheel lately. The thrilling adrenaline of each step taking you towards a destination you’re sure is getting closer. It has to be? There are steps being made… sweat beading … exhaustion building and yet, the feeling like I’m running with no end in sight is hard to shake.

Some days I feel this unstoppable energy to focus and power through an entire day of progression and creativity. Other days I still feel like that beginner student who can’t figure out which sides of fabric to sew together and I’m right back on that hamster wheel spinning with no end and no real destination.

I’m finding that if I step off that wheel and take the counterintuitive move of walking away from the studio, I find the progression I was looking for. The power of taking a beat to breath has been my life raft! Coming back to that studio to then find that pesky groove I’d been trying to access. You can’t keep running without a break. The exhaustion will take its toll eventually… but damn, I do love that feeling of adrenaline. I want to feverishly be creating in an empty studio with nothing but my new skill sets, some fabric and the power of an industrial sewing machine coming to life in my hands. Running towards my finish line with forward momentum.




week 7: strategy